
Golden Lotus

Théâtre Maisonneuve October 1 and 2, 2017

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A spectacular Montreal Premiere!
Golden Lotus the ballet is inspired by a famous Chinese erotic novel of the XVIIth century, banned for its sexual nature and politically charged content. It was performed by the Beijing Dance Theater for its Hong Kong world premiere in 2011 before touring the world. Discovering the sensuality, the excellence of this modern Chinese dance drawn from the heart of an incendiary literature full of passion, disappointment and despair will leave you in awe!

SPECIAL OFFER: 120 VIP tickets available to those « mad » about exciting dancing! Upon presentation of their VIP ticket, the ticket bearer will receive a souvenir of the show, yet to be determined.



This powerfully danced version is tightly choreographed, beautifully designed and musically rich.

The New York Times
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