Management Team

The management team consists of the President and CEO, as well as all the officers of the Place des Arts :

  • Marie-Josée Desrochers, President and CEO;
  • Mylaine Albert, Director of Marketing, Sales and Communications;
  • Clothilde Cardinal, Director of Programming;
  • Esther Carrier, Director of Ticketing;
  • Normand DeCelles, Director of Human Ressources;
  • Martin Deslauriers, Director of Security;
  • Stéphane Houle, Direction of Property Management;
  • Nicolas Potvin, General Secretary and Director of Corporate Affairs;
  • Mat Szewczyk, Director of Finance and Administration;

The management team and the President and CEO meet regularly to examine operational matters and business initiatives. It monitors the progress of the annual action plan and oversees the Place des Arts’ relations with the resident companies as well as with its business partners. The management team oversees all of the Place des Arts’ projects and programming and its financial results and budgets, among other matters. 

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