Foyers de la Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier Rental
The ideal spaces for hosting large numbers of guests for cocktails, talks, press conferences, launches, banquets or galas.
Completely renovated in 2016, the foyers of Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier are ideal for creating an intimate moment before or after a performance, as well as for holding private events in an artistic and architectural setting.
Capacity and description
Foyer Beauchemin:
Capacity of 200 people standing or 150 people sitting.
Located on the odd-numbered side, at the first balcony level, this space features La Chute d'Icare (The Fall of Icarus), a tapestry by artist Micheline Beauchemin.
Foyer Lapalme:
Capacity of 200 people standing or 150 people sitting.
Located on the even-numbered side, at the first balcony level, this space features Orphée et Dionysos sur les bords du Styx (Orpheus and Dionysus on the Shores of the Styx), a tapestry replete with shadow and light effects, created by Robert Lapalme.
Foyer Riopelle:
Capacity of 450 people standing or 100 people sitting.
Located on the odd-numbered side, on the parterre level, this space features the painting La Bolduc by artist Jean-Paul Riopelle.
Foyer Toupin:
Capacity of 450 people standing or 100 people sitting.
Located on the even-numbered side, on the parterre level, this space features the painting Hochelaga by artist Fernand Toupin.
Bar Galerie:
Capacity of 75 people standing or 50 people sitting.
Located on the seventh floor, the bar opens onto the mezzanine level and the balconies.
Additional services
Many services are available for an additional fee in each of the adjacent rental spaces: greeters, security and bar staff; table, chair and red carpet rental; catering service; cleaning and setup services, and more.