Le show Queer is a show that combines incredibly funny comedians who ALSO identify as LGBTQ2S+. It is that simple!
You are invited on this roller coaster ride of jokes and stories on many unifying topics. EVERYONE is welcomed in this hilarious safespace, queer or not. If you love to be in stiches, you will be more than satisfied!
Each evening is unique! Hosted by Joëlle Prudhomme, four comedians participate per show. On October 12, the show will feature: Mona de Grenoble, Coco Belliveau, Jessica Chartrand and Joëlle Prudhomme. The show also takes place on November 2, featuring Tranna Wintour, Sam Cyr, Charlie Morin and Joëlle Prudhomme.
To buy tickets for October 12, click here.
For November 2, click here.