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Le Magicien d'Oz

Cinquième Salle March 5 and 6, 2025

Magic is at work on this enchanting musical journey.

In a drab and colourless world, Dorothy uses her imagination to bring a wonderful land to life for her friends… a land where nothing is impossible. They meet their alter egos in the form of a scarecrow, a tin man, a lion, a magician, a fairy, and a witch.

In this colourful and musical reinterpretation of Lyman Frank Baum’s well-known story, magic is at work. Making their way along the brick road, our characters seek out the famous Wizard of Oz. Can he fulfill their wishes? The answer may not be at the end of the road, but in the songs sung along the way!

A series in multiple colours and flavours whose aim always remains clear: introducing young people to the performing arts. The Place des Arts junior series features rich programming that is constantly being renewed, keeping younger participants interested and enthused, year after year.


  • Venue : Cinquième Salle
  • Producer / Presenter : Place des Arts
  • Creation : Théâtre Advienne que Pourra
  • Language : French
  • Recommended ages : 5 to 12
  • Theme : Musical theatre
  • Duration : 60 minutes
2 or 3 shows or more
Place des Arts junior packages available!

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