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September 17 to October 11, 2024

16 performances

Past event

Jayden is already three years old. He is curious, funny, and lovable. But Jayden is also a handful. So his parents are frantically looking for a spot for him in daycare. Now separated, but stuck with each other in the pursuit of this Holy Grail, Cindy and Fabrice put everything they have into their role as perfect parents, to make a good impression and land the precious ticket back to “normal” life. But as the exes play their roles, struggle in their denial, and clash with each other, they give in to a gut-wrenching feeling: why did they ever become parents?

Like every play from the company Le Complexe, Jayden takes a caustically funny look at an important issue for society. As obstacles prompt Cindy and Fabrice to rail against their condition as parents, preconceptions are smashed to smithereens: the myth of the perfect family, non-gendered responsibilities, work-family balance. Indeed, the two performers have to share the stage with their three-year-old son! Both in form and in substance, this unique theatrical offering, presented in the early evening as a 5 à 7 performance, asks the question: are we truly ready for a revolution in parenting?

Jayden is presented as a 5 à 7 performance backstage at the theatre*

  • Language in French only
  • Texte Sara Karel Chiasson et Mathieu Lepage | Mise en scène : David Strasbourg | Une production de : Le Complexe
  • Interprétation Rosie-Anne Bérubé-Bernier, Sara Karel Chiasson, Mathieu Lepage et leur garçon, Louis Lepage
  • Scénographie et costumes Olivia Pia Audet | Éclairages : Lisandre Coulombe | Musique : Philomène Gatien | Conseil dramaturgique : Gabriel Morin | Conseil au mouvement : Natacha Filiatrault

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