Journey Visual Art Augmented reality

May 15, 2023 to May 15, 2026

An original and unique virtual tour featuring great classics, contemporary works, Quebec heritage, and amazing performances! 

Montréal en Histoires has launched a mobile app to help guide you along an augmented reality path on which you’ll explore 17 of the city’s major cultural institutions. 

With 4 augmented reality experiences, plus the INSITU interactive wall, Place des Arts is a key part of this project. From its Esplanade, sing along with Élisapie Isaac, delve into one of Mozart’s symphonies with the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal led by its conductor Rafael Payare, listen to the Opéra de Montréal’s Philippe Sly perform La beauté du monde, and watch as Anglesh Major plays King Dave, in a work by Théâtre Duceppe.

Download the INSITU mobile app (Apple Android) to get the full experience! 

  • Artistic direction

    Michel Lemieux

  • Production / Presentation

    Montréal en Histoires

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