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Focus Brazil-Quebec: Part 1

Cinquième Salle September 7, 2024

Don't miss a unique experience featuring performances by artists from Brazil and Quebec. The evening will present two excerpts from Syntonie by Janie and Marcio, winners of the 2019 TV dance show RÉVOLUTION, as well as two shows combining live music and dance by Brazilian artists Flávia Tápias and Renato Vieira.

Syntonie by Janie Richard & Marcio Paulino

Syntonie encourages us to reflect on courage, the importance of others, overcoming our limits and achieving the unthinkable. Following the different phases of a day, from dawn to night, the work offers a metaphor for an artistic journey. The term “syntonie” evokes the ability of circuits to transmit and receive waves of the same frequency, illustrating our interactions.

Casa de Abelha by Flávia Tápias

Inspired by the work of Mia Couto, the choreographer creates a singular atmosphere, exploring the concept of irreversible waiting time, using a set design of ropes enveloping the entire space.

Suite Rock : “The Dark Side” by Renato Viera

Suite Rock : “The Dark Side” poetically explores the connection between the physical world and people's imaginations today. Directed by Renato Vieira and choreographed in collaboration with Bruno Cezario and Rafael Gomes, it celebrates the fusion of rock and classical music.

Sans Toi[T] by Janie Richard & Marcio Paulino

Sans Toi[T] is a choreographic creation by Janie & Marcio, a dynamic duo in the world of dance. Their new piece draws its inspiration from encounters around a table, where everyone shares their experiences and memories. This original show explores how our memories shape our identity and our vision of the world.


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