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Fiddler's Tale by Wynton Marsalis


August 19, 2023

1 performance

Past event

Don't speak to strangers! If Beatrice, the main character in A Fiddler's Tale, had heeded this advice, she would have saved herself a lot of trouble. Echoing Stravinsky's famous Soldier's Tale, legendary trumpeter and composer Wynton Marsalis puts the Faust myth into an American context where swing, blues and the Charleston go hand in hand.

  • Artistes Dina Gilbert (direction), Nantali Indongo (narratrice), Marianne Dugal (violon), Eric Chappell (contrebasse), Alain Desgagné (clarinette), Mathieu Harel (basson), Stéphane Beaulac (trompette), James Box (trombone), Josh Wynnyck (percussion)

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