Paramètres XXIV

Exhibition Visual Art

March 1 to 16, 2025

Nuit blanche | March 1st: 8:30 PM to 1 AM

Monday: Closed
Tuesday to Friday: 4 PM to 8 PM
Saturday and Sunday: 12 PM to 8 PM

The annual Paramètres exhibition features student works selected by a jury of artists and teachers, serving as a showcase for emerging artistic practices.

The exhibition is focused on the diversity of practices and approaches taught at UQAM’s School of Visual and Media Arts, highlighting the students’ commitment and inventiveness. 

The school favours multidisciplinary training, with Paramètres bearing witness to the richness of its programs through the diversity and quality of the works created by its students.

  • Molly Bertrand, Francis Boisvert, Aglaë Brown, Domenico D'Aiuto, Zélie Delespierre, Frédéric Dubois, Sydney Guillemette Bacon, Béatrice Hall, Julien Hétu, Sara Jodoin, Véronique Lacroix, Catherine-Audraï Lalonde, Julia Lamarche, Éloïse Loriot-Noël, Mathieu Martin, Xhunaxhi Otero Ortega, Fanny Soudeyns, Yanick Tanguay, Frédérick Trépanier Cossette

  • Production / Presentation

    École des arts visuels et médiatiques de l’UQAM, Place des Arts

    Financial support

    Fondation de la Place des Arts

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