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Eternal Orlando


November 26, 2024

1 performance

Past event

Virginia Woolf’s Orlando is a timeless character. Eternally young, he changes lives and genders but remains fascinated by art. While the novel tells the history of English literature, the theatrical adaptation—incorporating symphonic music and directed by the great Lorraine Pintal—delves into the evolution of music.

The orchestra will accompany Orlando throughout his travels and romantic escapades, from the court of Elizabeth I, with music from the time of Handel to tsarist Russia with Tchaikovsky.

  • Cheffe Naomi Woo
  • Mise en scène Lorraine Pintal | Dramaturge : Michaël Rolli
  • Artistes Seth Parker Woods (violoncelle), Rachel Graton (Orlando), Cynthia Wu-Maheux (Vita Sackville), Catherine Paquin-Béchard (la princesse Sacha), Marcel Pomerlo (la reine et l’archiduc), Dominick Rustam (narrateur)

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