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Show Comedy

August 5 to 7, 2024

3 performances

Past event

An uninhibited and festive cabaret, Ciseaux (Scissors), presented by Fugues, revives queer memory from a feminist point of view.

The two authors and actresses reappropriate with contagious -and not at all guilty- pleasure the numerous clichés surrounding female homosexuality, starting with the title, which refers to a sexual position between women, abundantly fantasized by many men and exaggeratedly present in pornography. Over the course of twenty scenes combining archive and fiction documents, audio testimonies, projections, performances, and drag king acts, they retrace with sensitivity and humor the history of lesbian struggles since the last century, highlighting the underrepresentation and invisibility of women who are hesitant to identify as such within queer communities.

  • Création et mise en scène Pleurer Dans’ Douche
  • Interprètes Geneviève Labelle et Mélodie Noël Rousseau
  • Assistance à la mise en scène : Geneviève Gagné | Conseil dramaturgique : Gabriel Cholette | Direction de production : Geneviève Voyzelle | Direction technique : Sarah Merrette-Fournier | Conception sonore Marie-Frédérique Gravel | Conception vidéo et mapping : Joy Boissière et Kimura Byol | Conception lumières : Joëlle LeBlanc | Costumes : Angela Rassenti | Habilleuse : Vicky Wolfe | Scénographie : Jeanne Dupré
  • Musique : Calamine avec Kèthe Magané (Prod, guitare & basse), Valérie Lachance-Guillemette (Saxophone & vibraphone), Arthur Evenard (Keys) et Sarah Dion (Percussions) | Conseil au mouvement Anmarie-Paule Legault | Régie : Marie-Frédérique Gravel et Joy Boissière | Habilleuse : Vicky Wolfe | Illustration/conception zine : Geneviève Darling | Merci à Linda Dawn Hammond Photography

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