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Beethoven’s Triple Concerto in OSM Colours


November 9 and 10, 2022

2 performances

Past event

Blake Pouliot, Bryan Cheng, and Angela Hewitt—three OSM Competition winners—will join forces in Beethoven’s one and only Triple Concerto for Violin, Cello and Piano. Also featured is Beethoven’s utterly poignant and resolutely heroic Coriolan Overture. To conclude, this Viennese genius undoubtedly inspired Louise Farrenc’s First Symphony, whose dramatic character is well served by Farrenc’s great compositional mastery.

  • Artistes Laurence Equilbey (cheffe d’orchestre), Blake Pouliot, lauréat du Concours OSM 2016 (violon), Bryan Cheng, lauréat du Concours OSM 2019 (violoncelle), Angela Hewitt, lauréate du Concours OSM 1975 (piano)

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