
Arthur L'aventurier, les trésors du Maroc

Cinquième Salle April 6, 2025

Hitch a ride in Arthur’s suitcase and discover the world.

Arthur the Adventurer takes you along on his adventures all around the globe, singing songs about his most recent trip to Morocco. This time, the well-known explorer sets off to see such unique animals as Barbary macaques, donkeys, fennecs, Ciconia, and pink flamingos. Through songs, he tells of his journey across the Sahara Desert—by camel—and of his encounter with a fantastic people with an incredibly rich culture.

A series in multiple colours and flavours whose aim always remains clear: introducing young people to the performing arts. The Place des Arts junior series features rich programming that is constantly being renewed, keeping younger participants interested and enthused, year after year.


  • Venue : Cinquième Salle
  • Producer / Presenter : Place des Arts
  • Creation : Gregg Musique Inc.​
  • Language : French
  • Recommended ages : 4 to 12
  • Theme : music
  • Duration : 60 minutes
2 or 3 shows or more
Place des Arts junior packages available!

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