
Les Grands Ballets Canadiens x Pauline Gervais

Les Grands Ballets' Studio-Theatre September 17, 2023

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In a dimension altered by technology, five characters try to create new bearings. Together, they do their best to connect their own matrix to the matrix of others, searching for a shared identity. Previously women and men, the individuals now live together as people on a territory with virtual and emotional borders. With movements restricted by an alienating web, the protagonists eventually succeed in transcending loneliness. They are searching for a necessary sense of humanity in a century fractured by wars, artificial intelligence, climate change and barbarism (according to Canadian writer and essayist Paul Chamberland). The new MMXX process allows digital entities to fight isolation. Their disarticulated, frenzied, and synchronous movements give an impression of unity and tenderness. She and He, He and She, their cloudy nature survives thanks to the power of numbers and repeated multiplication…

Banishing bad luck and the pandemic, Hélène Blackburn responds to the Grands Ballets’ invitation to create a unique piece. In a time where meetings are rare, the choreographer happily dives into a universe filled with exceptional dancers. Lively, precise, and masterful, her dance invades time and space with pleasurable moments and chance meetings. Mirroring pagan rituals from past pandemics, Fête Sauvage reminds us of how irresistible the desire to join others can be. With music from Dear Criminals, Fête Sauvage invites us to a few minutes of stolen happiness and pleasure, helping us forget and rediscover temporarily the lost paradise of our previous life.

Fukuoka summarizes most of the method Marcos Morau has been pursuing for several years with his La Veronal company. He is committed to finding formal refinement without giving up on opposites such as inorganic and grotesque, rhythm and arrythmia, beauty and monstrosity. In this piece, Morau opposes flamenco in favour of abstract and dynamic gestures, rejecting any framework to allow both dancers to dive into their form. A show where flamenco and contemporary dance collide, both arts feeding and complementing one another, this stylistic piece draws the viewer in the heart of a unique choreographic universe.


  • Venue : Les Grands Ballets' Studio-Theatre
  • Producer / Presenter : Festival Quartiers Danses
  • Duration : 5 min + 12 min + 30 min
  • Please note : the Studio-Théâtre de l'édifice Wilder is located at 1435 rue de Bleury, not far from Place des Arts.
  • Choreographers : Hélène Blackburn (Fête sauvage), Marcos Morau (Fukuoka), Pauline Gervais (MMXX)
  • Companies : Les Grands Ballets Canadiens (Fête sauvage et Fukuoka), Pauline Berndsen Danse (MMXX)
  • Programming : subject to change without notice
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