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Alcina de Handel : l'enchantement


February 11, 2023

1 performance

Past event

Jonathan Cohen is pleased to present Quebec audiences with his vision of the opera Alcina, a project he has been working on in since he joined Les Violons du Roy. Don’t miss this great moment of lyrical art in a concert version of one of Handel’s most accomplished works, featuring the sublime Karina Gauvin in the title role and no fewer than six other high-level soloists.

  • Duration 1h30 minutes / 20-minute intermission / 1h25 minutes
  • Jonathan Cohen : chef | Karina Gauvin soprano (Alcina) | Lucy Crowe : soprano (Morgana) | Kayleigh Decker : mezzo-soprano (Ruggiero) | Stuart Jackson : ténor (Oronte) | Avery Amereau : contralto (Bradamante) | Nathan Berg, basse (Melisso) | Rowan Pierce : soprano (Oberto)

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