Photo credit : Thibault Carron
Photo credit : Thibault Carron

L'Art en soi

Take a journey of self-discovery!

Sometimes, it takes a lifetime to realize all that you are capable of creating. However, within each of us is an undiscovered world that art can help us unveil and explore.


Art opens us up to the starting point and reveals the finish line. By putting words to our ideas, sounds to our emotions, and colours to our thoughts, we can surprise ourselves and learn that what defines us is never-ending.

Place des Arts’ L’Art en soi program features cultural and educational activities to awaken your creativity, allowing you to embark on a journey of discovery—of the arts, of others, and of yourself.

Throughout the year, L’Art en soi offers activities that introduce you to the performing arts, accompanied by professional artists. The activities are geared to participants of all ages and backgrounds—including families, students, and members of various communities. L’Art en soi also provides support for artists, with the goal of facilitating the creation and presentation of new original works.

Photo credit: Thibault Carron

Activities for the General Public

Workshops, discussions, exhibitions, public performances, and even a festival put you in direct contact with the performing arts! The various activities provide opportunities to explore and reflect, allow you to form bonds with other community members, and even give you a chance to actively try your hand at various artistic disciplines!

Open and accessible to everyone, the activities are held in Place des Arts’ public spaces: the Espace culturel Georges-Émile-Lapalme, the Place des Arts Esplanade, and the Salon urbain.

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Family Activities and Shows

Youth shows—including those in the Sons et brioches series, along with workshops and Fêtes famille events—are all fun ways to bring children and their families into contact with various forms of art.

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Photo credit: Marzia pellissier

Educational Program

There are two components to the Educational Program. The school component is intended for Québec students, while the training component is aimed at artists and teachers interested in an aesthetic education approach.

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Photo credit: Mikael Theimer

Programme Formation collectivité

The Programme Formation collectivité allows members of various communities—both youths and adults—to express their creativity in a variety of performing arts-related workshops that have been developed by a team of cultural mediators.

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Photo credit: Cindy Boyce

Support for New Works Program

Each year, Place des Arts encourages the development of new works by providing many artists with access to rehearsal rooms and by presenting their works in its various public spaces, such as in the exhibition room and on the screen mosaic located within Place des Arts.

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The L’Art en soi program is made possible through the financial support of the Fondation de la Place des Arts and its partner.

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